still fussy about school transferring
i dont know
i have already to make my decision for transferring to CLHS
but then
i have to cut my hair
very very short
it's ok
i dont mind
just now hui ying told me that
a senior from there told her that
CLHS's lower6 teacher are not so good
upper6 better
and MBS's teacher not bad
except for the physics teacher
still wondering
i really dont know
i have already make up my mind
to transfer
another 3 friends of mine
Qwek,Sy Yin,Hooi Min
who are same as me
wanted to transfer
for very sure
will they change their mind after listening to hui ying
if they will
should i follow them to stay in MBS???
or still keep going on with my decision
just dont bother about it first
@ 08:20
Don't let me go -